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Ngā manga iti, ngā manga nui, e honohono kau ana, ka tupu hei Awa Tupua

He Awa tupua ahau, he piko he tangata, he piko he tangata e ākina ai e ahau kia rite te pou i ngā hoe, kia mātūtū ōku mate mā reira ahau e ora tonu ai. Nā te wāhanga o mua koe i whakamārama mai ki te pāwerawera me te manawa roa o ngā uri ki te whakamarumaru i ahau, otirā he whakawehi tonu nōku ki te Karauna, ki te pura me te turi ōna ki āku īnoi, ka mimiti tonu ōku wai toiora.


I am a River system that consists of many elements and communities, who need to work together to heal me and provide for my ongoing health and well-being. The timeline in the previous section outlined the way in which my people fought hard to protect me, yet a number of actions and inactions by the Crown and others have compromised my ability to provide sustenance and vitality to those who need it.


He kete ngā taonga e whakaari ana kei tēnei tūtanga o He Awa Ora, hei tohu i te nohonga tahi o ngā iwi, e nanao ake i te kīwai o te kete, he ara tēnā kia whakahokia mai taku mana ki ahau, ā, kia matara rawa te taura here tangata me te taura here wairua. Ka wānangahia ngā kōrero mō Te Pā Auroa nā Te Awa Tupua, koia rā te ture e arataki ai ngā mahi, e whitu ōna kawekawe. Ka mutu, āta whakaarohia ki ngā ara e taea ana e koutou ko te whānau te takahi kia whakaora anō i ahau.


Taonga within this section of He Awa Ora feature kete, symbolic of partnership, where different entities are now required to take hold of one of the handles of the kete and do their part to restore me and reconnect me to others. You will also learn about Te Pā Auroa nā Te Awa Tupua, a new legal framework that guides this work, comprising seven interdependent elements. You will be asked to consider what you and your whānau can and

will do to help restore my health and well-being.

He kete whakairo

He kete whakairo ahau, kua whiria ki ngā whenu wairākau o te harakeke. E rua āku kīwai muka, he parauri te tae. He taimana te whakaatu mai ai, he rārangi huapae e huri nei i taku tinana. Ka timata taku tuitui ki te pūtake, ā, ka whakamā haere te tae o runga.


I am a kete whakairo (fine quality woven bag), made using naturally dyed strips of harakeke. I have two plaited brown muka handles on either side of me. I feature a diamond pattern with a natural horizontal strip running around my body. My weaving starts at my base and my colour lightens as it gets closer to the top.


Kete whakairo (fine quality woven bag),

date unknown

No identified maker

Harakeke, muka (harakeke)

Tāngata tiaki: Ngāti Pāmoana

WRM 1929.121.1

Kete tāniko (finely woven bag),

date unknown

No identified maker

Made from muka (harakeke)

Tangata tiaki: Ngāti Pāmoana

WRM 1929.121.3

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He kete tāniko ahau, i whiria ki te harakeke, nā te wairākau i rerekē ai ngā tae. He taimana, he tapawhā me he rārangi tōtika te āhua o te whatu kei ahau. He hukahuka pango, he kōwhai me he tae māori kei ngā tahataha. He whiri takiwhā te āhua o ngā kīwai, he hukahuka kei te wāhanga puare.

I am a kete tāniko (finely woven bag), made of harakeke dyed to make different colours. I have diamond, triangular and lined patterns all over me. On my sides are tassel fringes in black, yellow, and natural colours. My handles are four plaits, with tassels at the open end.


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